It’s time for Road Trip Wednesday! Boy, have I missed you guys! I hope now that summer is over I’ll keep a better blogging schedule. Today’s question is:

What word processing program do you use to write your manuscript, and can you share one handy trick you’ve learned in that program that has helped you while you write?

Today I’m mostly looking forward to read everyone else’s tricks, and to see if some of you can sway me over to Scrivener once and for all. I write in Microsoft Word. It’s not very manuscript friendly, but it’s what I have, and what I’m used to. I doubt it counts as a trick, but my favorite function is the search. When I realize I’m using unnecessary words too much, I can search and cut them all out pretty quickly. My main offenders are “so” and “just.” I also search when my characters go overboard with their habits. Um, roll your eyes much, MC?

On a side note, I met many of my writer-blogger family members here on YA Highway, and I finally crossed the 100-follower mark last week. I’m having a giveaway to celebrate, and to say thank you to all of you! If you’d like a chance at a $25 Amazon gift card, a signed copy of Starters by Lissa Price, or a copy of Finn Flanagan and the Fledglings by Kip Taylor, please scroll down to Monday’s post or click here to enter!

Music for today: Madness by Muse

12 Responses
  1. I had it in my head that I was probably the only writer out there who still used Word. Wrong! Every single RTW post that I've visited today has been an "I use Word" post. And here I thought everyone was a Scrivener user but me. I like Word because I've been using it for as long as I can remember. The fact that I already know how to use it makes it so much easier to just sit down and write. The thought of learning a new program at this point just seems like too much work, you know? πŸ™‚

  2. I use Word too and my favorite function is probably that little back arrow that helps me go back after I've accidently deleted a whole paragraph from some weird combination of key hitting and recuperate the material I lost:)

  3. I'm a Word person, too! I haven't seen any posts to sway me to Scrivener yet today.
    Thanks for the tip about using Search to find overused words–I employ "just" and "really" way too often.

  4. Word for me as well! I'm surprised by how many of us there are, actually. I kind of thought I was the only writer tragically intimidated by Scrivner. Sometimes old-school and simple can be good, I suppose. πŸ™‚

  5. I use Open Office (which is basically the same thing as Word, just free). Find and Replace is a real lifesaver, especially when you realize that you made the same mistake over and over. I did the 'find' trick with 'just' in my WiP, and I think I used it over 100 times (errrr… I mean *a friend of mine* used 'just' over 100 times).

    I'm a new follower via GFC — thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. I'm not going to convince you to switch to Scrivener, Laurie. I'm very pragmatic when it comes to software. If it does what I need it to do, then I'll go with it. If something better comes along, I'll switch. But if not, I'll stick with what I know. That's why I've been using Word for the past 20-odd years. I've tried Scrivener, and while it's good, it's solving problems I don't have. Word does what I need it to do, and nothing I've tried offers something better. OpenOffice offers almost the same, but for free. If for some reason I needed to buy a new version of Word and I didn't have the money for it, I'd probably switch to OpenOffice.

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