Hosted by the ladies at Escape in a Book, Memorable Monday asks us to share quotes we’ve collected.

I could have chosen a memorable quote from either of the books I read this week, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (YA) and A Clash of Kings (Not YA). But the quote that stuck with me was from an interview.

Bloggers love the Dinner Party Question. You know the one. If you could have any ten (fill in the blank… writers, characters, artists, etc.) over for a dinner party, who would you pick?  The interview I read this weekend was between two of my top ten Dinner Party writers. I doubt I’ll ever have the chance to mingle with them in real life, but the interview gave a little glimpse of what it might be like if I did.

Neil Gaiman interviewed Stephen King for an article in the UK Sunday Times Magazine, and on Saturday he posted the full interview on his blog.  If you’ve read On Writing, you already know many of the biographical ‘facts’ they discuss. But the beauty of the interview is in Gaiman’s easy style and King’s voice, as rich and gruff and real as a character from his books. If you are a fan of either, I highly suggest reading it.

Here is my favorite quote, part of the response to a question about money:

King: “They pay me absurd amounts of money,” he observes, “For something that I would do for free.”

That idea dwells in my ‘writer’s heart.’ Before the dream of being paid to write, or even having others read my words, comes the need.   The need strong enough to give writing priority over other things.

Music for today: Undisclosed Desires by Muse

5 Responses
  1. Such a great quote by King. I think that totally has to be true of every honest-to-goodness writer. You have to love it, and be willing to do it simply because you love it. If you're doing it for the money, you'll probably wind up disappointed and quitting anyway.

    Thanks for sharing this 😀

  2. I'm so glad your boys like the book! =)

    Nice post. I think with any creative endeavor, the artist has to be in it for the intrinsic rewards more than the extrinsic ones. I will check out the interview.

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