Every Wednesday, the fine folks over at YA Highway post a writing or reading related question, aptly named Road Trip Wednesday.

Today’s question: What has your writing road trip looked like so far?

I love to read. In college, I couldn’t imagine majoring in anything other than English. I longed for a career that would allow me to get paid to read, and I thought of becoming an editor. At that time I also volunteered at a local middle school, and found that I really liked hanging out with ‘tweens.’ In my Masters program, I found the perfect compromise. By becoming a middle school English teacher, I could read a lot and share my passion for books with young people.

I enjoyed teaching, and I loved getting to know the kids, but like so many other teachers, the bureaucracy of education wore on me. Fast forward five years, and two kids later. Toni Morrison once said, “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” That truly did apply to me. I was looking for a certain kind of book, and I never found exactly what I was looking for. Something inside me just kept whispering, “Write.” I could see these characters, and I had to put them down on paper.

I had never written anything creatively before, and when I finished my first draft, I felt pure joy. I knew that this was what I was supposed to do with my life. I was scared to death to let anyone read it, but I started with my husband and moved on to a few close friends. My insecurity held me back, and I finally stuck Novel #1 under the bed. Novel #2 is now sleeping right beside it.

I am now in the process of deep revisions on Novel #3. This time is different. I am so passionate about these characters and this story; I can’t wait to get everything just right, because I want people to read this story.

My favorite pit stops along the way have been meeting many fabulous members of the writing community, both at writing conferences and here, in the blog-o-sphere.

Thank you YA Highway, for helping to bring us all together! Happy 100th Road Trip Wednesday 🙂

Music for today: Overloading on Mutemath’s Odd Soul to get ready for the concert next week!

5 Responses
  1. You are so much braver than I am. I am terrified of showing my husband or anybody else close to me my WIP. I know I'll have to eventually for feedback and all that, but it scares me. Glad you've found a story that you are passionate about telling!

  2. That is really neat I'll have to check out their link. It's great you found a way to work both your passions into a job. I for one will be awaiting your story to be published so I can enjoy reading.

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