Thanks to Katy Upperman for tagging me in Ten Random Facts! Here are ten random facts about me:

1. Cookies are my favorite food.

2. I always do the taxes in our house, even though I’m the wordy/writer type and my husband has a degree in finance and economics and works for a bank.
3. I don’t eat mammals.

4. I have never gotten a speeding ticket or been in an accident with another car, but I have hit three stationary objects with three different cars.
5. I’m a cat person, yet I have two dogs and only one cat.
6. In my lifetime I have played eight different musical instruments, and I currently play none. If you don’t use it, you do lose it.

7. The last group of sixth graders I taught graduated from high school last year.
8. I hate shopping for clothes.

9. Most of the people I would love to meet are fictional characters. Five of them are Lily Bard from Charlaine Harris’s Shakespeare series, Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye, Richard Papen from The Secret History, Victor Mancini from Choke, and Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games.
10. I am so thankful for how God works through people, even when people don’t realize that God is working through them.
Now it’s my turn! I tag Eve at Functioning Insanity and Michele at Chasing Chase to share Ten Random Facts.
I guess the music for today has to be Days are Forgotten by Kasabian, since I heard it every time I got in the car today.
3 Responses
  1. Oh this is so great. I will totally use it on my blog too just have to work it out and come up with 10 things about me…might be hard 😉

    Hey you love chocolate chip cookies, I make amazing cookies hehe. You totally made me want to bake some.

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