What a fun day in the blog-o-sphere. Jamie over at J’aime… was kind enough to award my blog a Liebster Blog Award. The Liebster Award showcases bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Thank you so much Jamie! Once the Award has been bestowed on your blog, pay it forward and recognize 5 other bloggers. Here are my pics:

1. Laurel Symonds at The Unemployed Book Lover
2. Katy Upperman on her blog at KatyUpperman.com
3. Jennifer Pickrell on her blog at JenniferPickrell.wordpress.com
4. Lisa Stiles Lofland at Behind the Mystery
5. Allyson Richards on Ally Writes

I also learned that the next book I have to pick up is Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

Happy Wednesday!
3 Responses
  1. Aww, thank you so much, Laurie! It's such a cute little award banner, too. 🙂

    Definitely get your hands on MISS PEREGRINE… overall, it was a fantastic read!

  2. Congrats on your award! My name's Kate, and I'm an eighteen-year-old agented writer from Utah. I found your blog through the links and I've loved reading through your posts. Definitely read MISS PEREGRINE….it was so good!

    Anyways, looking forward to more of your posts!

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