My kids spent last week with their grandfather, while I took my own personal summer break. All week people asked me, “Are you getting a lot done?” My stock answer was no, because I should have been doing things like cleaning my house or discovering a source of free, clean, renewable energy. But, to quote a favorite piece of Facebook flair, a clean house is a sign of a wasted life, and I’m no scientist. My lofty summer goals were to read more, write more, and see more movies. I know you can’t wait to see how those are coming along.

I read an excellent book (which deserves it’s own post), I have a solid beginning to a story down in the saved files, and I saw six movies. Yes, six. In case you’re looking for a movie to see this summer, here are the 10-second reviews:

In Theaters:

Charlie St. Cloud *** Boy’s brother dies. Boy plays baseball with brother’s ghost. Boy meets girl who can bring him back to the world of the living. Not my usual thing, the girly date movie, but it was decent.

Inception ***** Super cool architects/scientists/druggists can steal your innermost secrets while you dream. Oh, and they can plant ideas in your mind, too. I’m really not doing this one justice; it is awesome. If you see one movie this summer, see this one.

Eclipse **** Vampire and werewolf fight for the love of a human girl, but an army of vampires is trying to kill her. Okay, I’m not objective about this one, being a Twihard and all, but it is the best in the movie franchise so far.

Dinner for Smucks **** To get a promotion, a guy has to invite an idiot to dinner. The guy who brings the biggest idiot wins. Funniest movie I’ve seen in a while. I love Paul Rudd and Steve Carell.

At Redbox:

The Book of Eli ***** A man travels west through post apocalyptic America to protect the last Bible, but lots of bad guys try to stop him. Violent (disclaimer for the faint of stomach) but a beautiful, excellent film.

Hot Tub Time Machine ** Four misfits go back to the 80s to fix their lives and renew their friendship. Couple of good laughs, kind of a dude movie. Craig Robinson steals the show.

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