It’s Road Trip Wednesday again! Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ where YA Highway’s contributors post a weekly writing- or reading-related question. This Week’s Topic:

What words do you absolutely hate? Which ones do you adore?

I don’t despise all curse words. Just a few, and mostly the ones that demean women. I actually don’t even like calling them curse words, or swear words, and yet profanity just feels too formal. I cringe at any word describing bodily functions. I can’t even bring myself to type them, and yet, in a house full of boys, I hear them all the time. My mom was a nurse, and she used words like void, empty, and vacate relating to bowels and bladders, and somehow even those words gross me out.

I love so many words, some for the way they sound and some for their many meanings. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Music for today: Your Song (Of course this is an Elton John song, but I was thinking of the version from Moulin Rouge.)

13 Responses
  1. When I was in high school, I babysat for a family that used very serious and correct words for everything. Those words of your mom's cracked me up and reminded me of the little two year old telling me that she was having a bowel movement.

    Overheard at my house this week, on the other hand, and at the breakfast table, no less: The first rule of Fart Club: there is no Fart Club. (Boys.)

  2. What I find amusing about the "technically-correct" words is that they are words that can, in fact, be applied to other things aside from, in this instance, bodily functions. For example: "Johnny vacated his bladder, and his bedroom!" "I voided your answer; and you just voided in your pants!"

  3. I agree with you on the words that demean and the bodily functions thing. I also really don't like the proper terms for certain *ahem* body parts. 'Whisper' is a great word because saying it is almost like doing it.

    P. S. I love the Moulin Rouge cover of "Your Song" too 🙂

  4. Oooo! "Amber" is a good one. It evokes such a warm feeling in the mind. I can't help but think of dried sap enclosing plant matter or insects (why that's awesome, I have no idea), the warmth of a Summer day that is slowly fading into Fall, the changing leaves, the bright gold thread of honey falling into a cup of hot tea. Yes. That's a good word. 🙂

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